Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Painting!

I let Camden finger paint a pumpkin and he had so much fun! I highly recommend giving it a try! Although it was a bit messy the mess was nothing compared to carving and much less work for me!

First Trip to the ZOO!

We took the boys to the zoo last week. It was Gavins first time and he LOVED it! He is so observant and he had to check everything out. He kept saying "wow!" and growling at the animals. He absolutely loved the monkeys and kept trying to leap out of my arms and into their cage! We had a great time even though Cam and Ty aren't to into the zoo!

My tiny boys by the huge gorilla

Carousel ride... also a first for Gav

Tiger ride!

Classic! Doesn't everyone have a pic like this
from when they were a kid?

Gav loved the penguins!

Such a long day at the Zoo!

Family Dino Day!

Tyson finally got a chance to go to the Dino Museum with us the other day. Cam was so excited to show his Daddy all of the dinosaurs and of course all of the sand! Here are a couple of cute pics!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Happy First Birthday Gavin!

Gavin turned 1 on Saturday and of course when there's a Birthday there's a party! And when you turn 1 you get spoiled and messy! The pics will explain! Thanks everyone for coming to Gavins very first Birthday party! Happy Birthday Gavin!

Gavins Party treats!

Gavin in a train with his cousins. He
got a little four wheeler from my parents
and he loved it! All of the baby boys were
fighting over it so we had to get other things
out to ride! He got so many fun toys and
was very excited about each one! He made
noises I have never heard he make before!

Making a mess in his very own cake! He almost
ate the whole thing... and he tried to share too!


This is what Bray and Cam did while we had
the party. Cam was upset that all of the attention
was on Gav so they trashed his room. They pulled
everything out of drawers, off shelves, and out of
his closet. It took 5 of us to clean it up!

Gav after his birthday bath to get
all of the cake off... so cute! Happy
Birthday Gavin!

Pumpkin Patch

We took our boys to the pumpkin patch by the District and I highly recommend this one! They have tons of tractors, a corn maze, perfect places for pictures, little wheel barrels, oh yeah, and tons of pumpkins to choose from!

Gavin driving a tractor...he refused
to sit down!

I think Cam rode every tractor there!

Gav posing as usual!

My cute boys! Cam was obsessed with
the corn and mad that he couldn't eat it!

My Little Pumpkin!

Cam picking his pumpkins
Like father like son!

Witches Tea!

My friend Randi threw the funnest girls night on friday called a Witches Tea. We all got dressed up, had tea and yummy food, heard witch stories, and of course talked a lot! It was such a blast and I am so glad that I met all of these girls! They always have such fun ideas and I am glad that I get to be a part of them! Thanks for hosting such a fun party Randi! New Moon here we come! I am so excited!

My in my witch atire!

Playgroud Moms minus Shamie... she had to work : (

Most of the girls at the party

Having our witches tea!

Childrens Discovery Garden Fun!

I decided to take Cam and Gav to the Childrens Discovery Gardens at Thanksgiving Point the other day before it gets to cold and they had a blast! I have a pass that gets us into everything at Thanksgiving Point but for some reason we hadn't been there yet and I really regret it. We only played in the water area but there is also a maze and a playground that we will have to try some other time because I couldn't get Cam to leave the water! This was probably the only time we will get to go there this year since it is getting so cold, but we will for sure go every chance we get next year!

Cam and the Huge Noah's Ark!
Gav sharing a leaf with me... at least he didn't eat it!

Gardner Village Pics

We went to Gardner Village the other day to try and get some pics of the cousins and well... we weren't too sucessful! But here are a few!

My little poser!

Cutest bums!

All 5 together... the best I could do!

Dog Days!

I went outside the other day and this is what I
found! Camden loves to play with Bentley so
much and I think it's so cute that they are buds!